Dear reader!
LowBeats is an innovative online hi-fi magazine and the work of people with conviction.
Behind it are long-serving warhorses who have written (or still write) for all the relevant German hi-fi magazines and who have many, many years of hi-fi journalism under their belts.
The long involvement with the hi-fi world has always been fascinating and still is today: our desire to experiment, to listen, watch and enjoy extensively is more alive than ever.
There are always so many new things to discover and report on …
And that’s what we want to share with you: our experiences, our test results on all relevant new product developments and, above all, our enjoyment of one of the most beautiful things in the world …
Such a long period of professional activity on the subject naturally shapes our standards. You can therefore expect us to provide thoroughly researched content, (largely) error-free texts, a clear evaluation and measurement results based on sound research.
But that is only one side of the medal. The limits of classic hi-fi magazines have become too tight for us, because the lack of space and time means that enjoyment and fun often fall by the wayside. And sometimes also the topicality: HiFi print media are usually published on a monthly basis. Ein Online-Magazin kann über relevante Neuentwicklungen auf dem Markt nahezu in Echtzeit berichten. And isn’t it the interactivity, the integrated audio and video clips that make a test truly comprehensible and tangible? With contributions on the LowBeats Youtube channel and the sound archiving of the test devices in our unique Sound Oracle (where you can compare devices with each other online) we want to convey an idea of how we imagine modern reporting. Have fun at the world of LowBeats. Enjoy the experience