
Frank Borowski

Frank Borowski

Frank Borowski…

…who often goes by the pseudonym Sonorman, obviously had the hi-fi gene from birth. Even as a young boy, he experimented with the loudspeaker set-up of his parents’ music system, which he found mediocre, and would often hang out in his older brother’s room, who already had a sophisticated hi-fi tower. And of course he didn’t buy a moped with his confirmation money, but his first big hi-fi loudspeakers… After a non-technical vocational training and a few years in a parallel world, namely as a salesman for office systems, Frank set up his own small hi-fi living room studio in the mid-nineties. According to him, this only went moderately well, but it opened the door to the big hi-fi world, his actual career goal. After moving to a large German hi-fi distributor, his daily bread was sales as well as installations, optimizations, demonstrations and technical support of exotic high-end systems. Frank later began to share his passion and experience with others as a reviewer and through journalistic activities: He has been an expert contributor to mactechnews for many years and has also been writing for LowBeats since the beginning of 2018.

The passionate digital specialist, who also takes excellent photos, is primarily responsible for digital audio and desktop hi-fi.