Octave MRE 220 SE
Octave has significantly revised its MRE 220 (picture) and Jubilee mono power amplifiers (Photo: Octave)

Octave MRE 220 SE and Jubilee up to date

The Mono-Octave MRE 220 and the large Jubilee Monos have long been part of the Baden-based tube specialist’s range. But for this year’s HIGH END in Munich, both models were thoroughly revised once again – which was also reflected in their names: the MRE 220 became the Octave MRE 220 SE and the Jubilee Monos became the Juibilee Ultimate. But what exactly are the newcomers better at?

The Octave MRE 220 SE…

…offers above all the possibility of adapting better to the loudspeaker. The MRE 220 SE therefore has a circuit that can be used to select between low and high damping factor (or low and high negative feedback). These options are becoming increasingly common, especially with tube amps – and quite rightly so, as the user has much more influence on the harmonic combination.

The Jubilee Mono Ultimate…

…feature the most sophisticated amplifier design in the company’s portfolio to date and boast a host of new technologies – including eight KT 170 tubes with 440 watts per channel and a gigantic “Ultra Wide Bandwidth Low Distortion Output Transformer”.

The basic idea of the Ultimate series is to extend the bass range, or rather. of the power range. This extension into the seemingly inaudible frequency range radiates to all other hearing ranges. Generally speaking, an increase in power is associated with an increase in distortion. However, Octave founder and chief developer Andreas Hofmann has succeeded in virtually eliminating this disadvantage with a new circuit, new output transformer and new power supply unit (with 3 power transformers).

Hofmann himself says: “These two models incorporate detailed improvements in two areas: Firstly, the interaction with the loudspeaker, keywords: damping factor – distortion behavior. Both have been further optimized. And secondly: I was able to significantly improve the push-pull concept in the areas of phase response and power bandwidth. The sonic effects are remarkable, especially in combination with large-volume, high-resolution loudspeakers.”

Prices & availability

The Octave MRE 220 SE and the Jubilee Ultimate are available now and cost 24,500 euros (MRE SE) and 115,500 euros (Jubilee Ultimate) respectively. Per pair in each case. Further information at www.octave.de

Technical data

Octave MRE 220 SE Jubilee
Concept:Push-pull integrated tube amplifier
Power (High/Low):1 x 200 watts / 1 x 140 watts into 4 ohms
Tube assembly:4 x KT 88-S4A-Carbon / 8 x KT170280 x 750 x 484 mm
Inputs:1 x Cinch, 1 x XLR / 1 x Cinch, 1 x XLR;
Outputs:1 x Pre-Out regulated / 1 x Record output Cinch
Attenuation factor:Switchable, DF Low = 4, DF High = 8, (8 Ohm load)
Dimensions (W x H x D):48.8 x 22.9 x 41.2 / 28.0 x 75.0 x 48.4 cm
29.8 kilogram
All technical data
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Autor: Holger Biermann

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